The lovely folks at Cubicle 7 have been beavering away behind the scenes and the result is that, along with a whole bunch of other C7 goodness, you can come along and play Dark Harvest at the UK Games Expo in Birmingham next month.
Steve Ironside, who worked to mould the Heresy system to fit Promethea, will be running DH games on all three days of the event. The slots are:
Friday 3rd of June – 8pm
Saturday 4th of June – 3pm
Sunday 5th of June – 10am
Steve will also be running two Doctor Who game sessions during the Expo:
Friday 3rd of June – 3pm
Saturday 4th of June – 10am
All of the games have a five player limit, so head along to the event website asap and register.
Also in attendance from the DH:LoF team will be Iain Lowson, who came up with the concept. He’ll be there all day Saturday to chat about the project, and has organised a one-day-only prize draw to win a copy of DH:LoF singed by many of those who worked on it. Andrew Peregrine, who helped adapt the Victoriana 2nd Edition rules to work with the Dark Harvest setting, will also be around during the weekend.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!