The lovely Liz has just posted her review of Resistance.
She’s said very nice things about it, which is very nice of her. Go and have a look at the review, and subscribe to the NED podcast while you’re there.
The lovely Liz has just posted her review of Resistance.
She’s said very nice things about it, which is very nice of her. Go and have a look at the review, and subscribe to the NED podcast while you’re there.
Like the title says, you can now buy the PDF version of Resistance from RPGNow.
So, ummmm… go buy the PDF version of Resistance from RPGNow should you so wish to do so.
It’s lovely.
Lots of reviews say so.
Over the next weeks, across on the DH:LoF Facebook page, we’re going to be giving more details of the short fiction anthology ebook that’s slated for an October release.
Already announced is that Cubicle 7 Art Director Jon Hodgson will be creating the cover for the book. Writers and DH:LoF regulars Andrew Harman, Magz Wiseman and Matt Gibbs are going to be creating new stories for the anthology, and they are going to be joined by a whole bunch of amazing (and familiar) writers who are new to Promethea. We’ll be introducing you to them one at a time, starting today with…
…well, you’ll just have to head over to the Facebook page and see!
Additional (20th of June): Added a post to Facebook about another of the Anthology’s contributors today. Go see!
You can now pre-order the hard copy of Resistance over at the Cubicle 7 shop.
When you do, you snag a copy of the book on PDF too. So, on you go then! 🙂
Tommy Brownell has posted his second DH:LoF-related review, this time for the supplement.
Head over to his blog to read his nicely balanced review, which should whet your appetites yet further for the imminent release of Resistance.
Polish gaming site Poltergeist today posted a DH:LoFÂ interview.
It is, of course, in Polish. As a result, we’ve added a new section to the site to host an English language version of the interview. The new section is, imaginatively, called ‘Interviews’. It will also be where we post up scans of any interviews or features that might appear in print (chance would be a fine thing).
At the same time, we’ve added a new category to side bar to help you quickly find a listing of all the interviews and podcasts that we’ve done. There’s also one for videos.
Paco over at GMS Magazine has posted the first review of Resistance.Â
I won’t spoil the surprise, so just head over to the GMS website and have a read. 🙂
The core book for DH:LoF has just been reviewed by Tommy Brownell on his blog.
We’ve posted a couple of excerpts in our reviews section, but you can read the whole review over on Tommy’s blog. He’ll be reviewing Resistance soon too, so look forward to that. 🙂
As part of the “May of the Dead” event being held across a number of gaming blogs, Ian from the Going Last podcast invited me to write a guest post.
It’s all about why the whole Frankenstein ‘thing’ is still relevant to our modern times, and also why I chose it as inspiration for DH:LoF. So, go have a look when you have a spare minute or two, and be sure to post your thoughts on the Going Last site.
The very charming Mr. Andrew Girdwood of Geek Native had a quick natter with me by email to find out more about the Resistance supplement ahead of next week’s release of the PDF version. Head over to the Geek Native website for a look.