Going Last… again

To help promote the US GenCon… erm… promotion, the guys at the Going Last podcast ran an interview with Iain Lowson (that’s me).

The interview is in Session 28, along with the usual news, information and fun stuff.  Go have a listen to discover the Phrase That Pays, or head for our Facebook page.

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Ooh! Announcements Inbound!

Looks like Thursdays are now Announcement Day.

Thanks to all the stuff we did with Sara Dunkerton over the past little while, Thursday is becomming our day for letting you know what we’re up to.  Tomorrow will continue this trend, with the GenCon money-off announcement on Facebook and the start of a new occasional series here on the main site.

We are working on other new material too.  You know about the April supplement, Resistance, and we’ll be teasing more content soon.  There’s another BIG THING which we can’t tell you about yet because it’s not all entirely sorted.  The team is being brought together, some work has already been done, but this GenCon thing is going to get in the way a bit.  Expect to hear something more concrete in September.

We haven’t forgotten about the Design A Character Competition – expect the winners to be announced very soon.  There will also be another competition starting in August that will cause your socks to blow clean off.

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Australian shout out.

I stumbled across Here Be Gamers!, a podcast (and website) based in Australia.

They said nice things about Dark Harvest on their podcast “On The Radar” based only on this site and the info they found elsewhere.  Hopefully I can speak to them and sort out something more substantial.  Anyway, I got all caught up browsing their site and a few related sites (particularly Nathan’s site Peril Planet, which deserves a longer look) so I’d suggest you go have a look if your interested in the indy scene in general and the indy scene in Australia in particular.

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Are you heading for US GenCon next month?

If so, be sure to visit our Facebook page in one week’s time.

On Thursday the 28th, there will be a special offer posted to our Facebook page that might just save you some money.  Watch that space!

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Another great review

Going Last, the American gamer’s podcast hosted by the fab Ian & Justin, have just reviewed DH:LoF.

The review is, frankly, positively glowing, and my thanks to them for that.  It’s always a relief when folks enjoy the book.  The Going Last podcast is always great fun to listen to so, yeah, head over to the site and download it!

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1st Page of DH:LoF – Resistance comic!

Those of you who visit regularly will know Sara Dunkerton has been working on a six page DH comic. 

Well, the first full page is now up on her blog for everyone to see.  The comic serves as an intro to the new supplement, due in April of next year.  It has also been entered into a competition at Strip Magazine, a new anthology comic to be published in the UK starting in October.  We’re planning to bring the comic (and Sara, if she’s free) to Dragonmeet in London in November.  Hope to see a whole bunch of you there – more details to follow!

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Europe in 1910

Now then, a bit of an error correction…

When we were doing the maps and suchlike, we used modern maps to make sure we got as detailed a view of Romania/Promethea as possible, particularly as regards the topography.  What was missed out was that the countries on the borders of 1910
Promethea were different from those found at the time our reference maps were
made.  This has been spotted and pointed out, and my very sincere thanks to Owl for that, so I thought I’d better post up a link to a pdf file showing Europe as it
actually was in 1910.  Note that Romania then was very different from Promethea as it appears in the Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein setting.  This was
principally because Transylvania was still very much part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

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Stargazer’s World reviews Dark Harvest

Michael Wolf runs a brilliant, insightful RPG and gaming blog site from Germany, ably assisted by a number of adept accomplices. 

We sent him a copy of DH:LoF some time back, and Michael has just posted his review.  What makes his site and his reviews so worthwhile are that Michael doesn’t rush things.  He takes his time to read through and/or play through things properly.  It’s the same with the other contributors to the site.  To be honest, that made me nervous when we initially sent him the book, but the review was worth the anxious wait.  My relief is palpable!

Thanks Michael!

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The Thursday Preview

This time, the preview panel shows a group of Resistance fighters really putting in some serous effort.  Fruitless?  You’ll just have to wait and see!

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Another Thursday, another preview!

One more page is done, the fifth, and Sara Dunkerton’s latest blog post shows a panel from that page.

Anyone who listened to the podcast will now know that the comic is the intro piece from the new supplement, Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein – Resistance, due out next April. Go have a look at the new panel, and watch for another one next week.

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