Hearing Things

Podcast people Byron and Liz at Rho Pi Gamma conducted an interview with me on Saturday.

It was great fun to do, with much silliness all round.  There was, of course, much chat about Dark Harvest: LoF, including some more details of our next supplement.  So, go have a listen.  You’re looking for Season 2, Episode 11, July 3rd.


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Map Packs Have Arrived!

In response to feedback from our wonderful readership, we’ve had Robert Coles working away on a map pack for you all.

It’s arrived, been split into two because of upload restrictions, and both parts are now available in the Downloads section of the website.  There are numerous versions of the main map of the country.  There’s also a map of each individual county.  All can be printed out HUGE so you can scribble away on them to your heart’s content.  Go get ’em!

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Inspiration & Resources – Maps

With the free downloadable map pack soon to be available on this site, I thought I’d take a moment to share a couple of links.

These were of use during the writing of the book, and may be of use to all of you when planning your games.

The 1900 Collection has old maps for many, many places around the world, including Romania.

Now then, if you Google (Image) “Josephinische Landaufnahme Romania” you will see a whole lot of, I think, Austro-Hungarian military maps of Romania from the mid to late 1700’s.  These are complete works of art and, while a little out of date for playing a game in the Edwardian era, can provide a lot of detail for campaigning in the country.  All you need do is get your own art head on and do some tweaking. 🙂

Of particular interest to me was this one of the area around Hunedoara – including the ill-fated village (at least it was in the story “Witness”) of Hasdat.

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Sara spying on trains

This week’s sneak peek at the short comic (not Ronnie) Sara Dunkerton is working on is up. Go take a looksee!

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Sneak Peek

Artist Sara Dunkerton is working hard on Promethea-related material, including a short comic.

With four weeks exactly to go before our deadline, she’s going to be posting panels from the comic to her blog so you can see how it’s developing. Once it’s done, you get to see a completed page as a teaser of things to come.

The first panel is up, so go and have a look.

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We Have A Winner!

Our first ever prize winner, no less!

At the UK Games Expo this past weekend, we had a prize draw running at the Cubicle 7 stand.  From the sixty or so entries we had on the day (wow!) one name was drawn and that was Beccy.  She received the news by email just as she left one of the demo games of DH:LoF run at the event by Steve Ironside.

Her copy, all signed and everything, will be posted off tomorrow.  We’re all looking forward to hearing what she thinks.

In the meantime, many, many thanks to all the staff at the Expo.  It was a hugely well-attended event, and very friendly and fun.  The staff were amazing, and all of us who were there had a fantastic time.  (And I didn’t swear – I think – during the seminar I ended up participating in, which is pretty good for me…)  If you weren’t at the Expo this year, make sure you don’t miss it next time.

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Off To Birmingham

Flyers printed. Hat packed. Banner in the bag. Off we go!

The UK Games Expo starts tomorrow in Birmingham, and Cubicle 7 will be there all weekend.  Steve Ironside is running three Dark Harvest: LoF games during the weekend, and Iain Lowson, Andrew Harman and Robert Coles will be around on Saturday (Iain on the C7 stand, the others playing games and occasionally passing the C7 stand for a natter).  There’s a free prize draw to enter on the Saturday (see the Competitions section for details).  Also, to accommodate any new players we pick up over the weekend, the Design A Character Competition closing deadline has been extended to the 4th of July.  Apparently, our American readers are so excited by this that they are planning nationwide celebrations.  What lovely people they are.

See you in Birmingham!

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The Future!

We have hinted here and there that there are plans in place to add to the Dark Harvest product line.  Well, here’s the first solid evidence of some of the work that’s underway.

The comic page roughs here and the illustration roughs here are just part of a very exciting thing which will be available early in 2012.  Illustrator Sara Dunkerton came to us through Matt Gibbs, our main editor on the core book.  From the rough roughs, Sara has already moved on to the full pieces, and they are incredible.  It’s been a great honour to work with her, and we’re dying to unveil the finished product.  But we can’t.  Coz it’s not finished.  And it’s not 2012.

We’ll be announcing more vague and enticing details on this and another hugely exciting project over the coming weeks.  The other project has a connection to an oddly-coloured amphibian.  We shall say no more for now.  }:)


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UK Games Expo 2011 – DH News!

Places in Steve Ironside’s games of DH are now available to book!

Just click here to go to the UK Games Expo website event booking section.  You’re looking for the listings for “Roll up! Roll up!”on Friday the 3rd at 8pm, Saturday the 4th at 3pm and Sunday the 5th at 10am.

To add to the Dark Harvest presence at the event, writer Andrew Harman will also be around on Saturday the 4th of June.  He’s there to play games (specifically Living Munchkin) but will be around from time to time at the Cubicle 7 stall (ground floor, red zone, stalls 18 & 19).

Remember, there will also be a free prize draw thing at the C7 stand on the Saturday only to win a copy of the DH core book signed by many of those who worked on it.

See you there!

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Occasionally, while researching various bits and pieces, we come across a resource we just have to share.

This is an amazing online collection of old postcards of Romania.  Many of the places, the towns and villages, are lost now, demolished to make way for featureless concrete abominations during the rule of Ceauşescu.  We hope these pictures will help you add some more detail to your campaigns.

The oil industry in Promethea is one of the most important in the country.  This online blog shows how the real world Romanian industry developed, and has some great images from the early 20th Century.  The history is sure to spark ideas for campaign details.

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