Tag Archives: Conpulsion

Promethea Lives!

Well, the book has literally just gone up for sale on Cubicle 7’s website in the last half hour (it’s 12.52 as I write this).  That’s it, we’re released!  Free to run wild through the savannah grasses, noble and fearsome!  … Continue reading

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First Review

Well, things are ticking along nicely!  We’ve had our first review thanks to the wonderful Andrew Girdwood at Geek Native.  He is clearly a man of considerable taste as he rather liked the book. The review can be found elsewhere … Continue reading

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News Update

Well, now, it has been a while since I last did one of these.  I’d hoped to do one earlier, but the needs of simply getting Dark Harvest finished, and the desire to give a single news announcement that covered … Continue reading

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Flying the Flag for Promethea

Time for a quick update on the progress toward publication of the Dark Harvest book. Conpulsion 2010 was fun, if a tad surreal.  Had some fab natterings with folks there about Dark Harvest, and was delighted with the enthusiastic response … Continue reading

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Conpulsion 2010

Conpulsion 2010 has come and gone and is now a mere happy memory. The posters looked utterly gorgeous and 75 were handed out. Iain spoke to several traders and companies spreading the word about the upcoming release and generating a … Continue reading

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Dark Harvest Web Site

The website for Dark Harvest is officially out there!  It’s been unofficially out there for a day or so, but now we’re telling folks about it. The book itself is still under construction, but we’re aiming for a May/June 2010 … Continue reading

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